
The Nation's #1 Employee Discount Program

Why Join The Employee Network?

  • 25 years of success
  • 1 million employees with access to The Employee Network
  • 350+ corporate partners
  • 1 year of 24/7 advertising to employed prospects and promoted by their own Employers
  • Custom Digital Booth with all the bells and whistles
  • 30 second video infomercial
  • Live Interaction with prospective clients
  • Custom Links to your website
  • Custom “Info Request” Form
  • Downloadable Digital Marketing

The Employee Network manages the employee discount programs to more than 300 of the largest government agencies, corporations and hospitals across the nation.

Our business is built on quality relationships, not quantity.  This means that we won’t overload your industry’s sales category with just any merchant that comes along.  We invite you to be a part of this unique program that will help build your brand and your bottom line.

Contact our team by phone at 480-768-0837 or email us at [email protected] to learn more!


Hey there, thanks for stopping by The Employee Network – where awesome perks meet unbeatable savings!

Since 1998, we've been pioneers in managing one-of-a-kind employee discount programs. Corporate bigwigs, government agencies, and all kinds of large groups trust us to provide their employees with incredible benefits.